- 院校覆核委员会
- 第九条
- 消费者信息
- 就业
- 合作伙伴大学
St. galaxy银河娱乐场app is committed to providing a work and educational environment that is free from discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复, and the University complies with the requirements of 第九条 of the 1972 教育 Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, 第七条, 以及所有其他适用的联邦法律, 州和地方法律. The details of this Policy and how reports of any violation of this Policy should be made are set forth in detail below.
The University has appointed a 第九条 Coordinator:
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
The Deputy Coordinators under this Policy are:
Together with the 第九条 Coordinator they oversee implementation of the University's policy on equal opportunity, 骚扰, 和非歧视原则.
所有关于歧视的报告, 骚扰, and/or retaliation should be reported to the Deputy Coordinators as follows:
All complaints and reports should be promptly made, and all reports will be acted upon promptly. The University will make every effort to preserve the privacy of reports consistent with conducting an effective investigation. 有关歧视的报告, 骚扰, and/or retaliation by any of the Coordinators listed above should promptly be reported to
Concerns regarding the 合规总监 should be directed to Audrey Blair, 人力资源总监.
This Policy applies to conduct that takes place on campus, 在大学赞助的活动中, and off-campus and online when the University determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial University interest. Conduct not covered under 第九条 will be addressed through a separate student conduct process. A substantial University interest as defined in this Policy includes:
Inquiries about this policy and procedure may be made to the 第九条 Coordinator, or the Deputy Coordinators listed above. In addition, Inquiries may be made externally to:
美国民权办公室(OCR.S. 教育部
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Tdd #: (877) 521-2172
电子邮件: OCR@ed.政府
网络: http://www.ed.gov/ocr
Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
联系人: http://www.平等Employment机会委员会.gov/contact-平等Employment机会委员会
Conduct in violation of this Policy can also be reported to: